The Tamil Nadu Government created an online portal for all their registration and documentation processes. They were looking to create a smoother process when registering for a Tamil Nadu birth certificate among other processes like the payment of various taxes and several grievance redressal services. People could also download various application forms for a birth and death registration and submit them at the multiple Registrar of Birth and Death offices across Tamil Nadu, depending on where they live.
The Government also launched an eGovernance service where they put up various certificates and processes to make them a lot easier for the people to get through. Some of the departments and processes other than the Tamil Nadu birth registration added to the website are Nativity Certificate, Income Certificate, Non-Graduate Certificate, Deserted Women Certificate, Agricultural Income Certificate, Widow Certificate, Unemployment Certificate, Family Migration Certificate, Legal Heir Certificate, Solvency Certificate, Residence Certificate, License under Pawn Broker Act, Money Lender License, Other Backward Community Certificate and many other
In Tamil Nadu, there are various processes for the registration of births depending on where they took place.
If the birth occurs in a hospital, the hospital authorities are the informers, and they will inform the occurrence of birth to the concerned area (hospital building -located area) Sanitary Inspector in form 1.
If the birth occurs in the home, the head of the household, either the father or mother of the newborn baby is the informer, and they will submit the form 1 to their area Sanitary Inspector.
If the birth occurs in transit, which is a moving vehicle, the place of the first halt is the registration area, and that area Sanitary Inspector is the registrar.
The documents needed for a Tamil Nadu birth registration are
● If the birth takes place at a dispensary or hospital, the register record is enough.
● Address proof (Voter ID, Driving License etc.) of parents
● Aadhaar Card of Parents
● If the birth takes place at a house, the citizen has to approach the local body and inform in
writing. They would issue a verification certificate about the process.
● Form to get the extract
● Name of the Parent
● Date of birth of the child
● Location of residence
● Certificate of Doctor / Hospital discharge certificate
● In case of delayed registration, an affidavit from judicial magistrate / Notary is required
indicating the date and place of birth, names of parent and evidence of the event of birth.
● In case applied after one year, need to obtain an order from an executive magistrate, and copy of the said order is required to be attached with the prescribed application form.
There is a duration for the birth registration and a late fee if people do not complete their registration within the allocated time.
According to Section 13 (1), (2), and (3), the Government rule states that people have to register
the birth of their child in 21 days after birth. If they do this, there are no late:
● No late fee.
● Birth or Death should be registered at the ward offices.
From the 22nd day to 30th or 31st day
● A late fee of Rs 100/-
● should be paid and registered at the ward office
After one month to 365 days (1 year) :
● A late fee of Rs. 200/- should be paid from the date of occurrence
● The applicants have to register the birth at the ward office.
● After a year, the occurrence of events is registered only by an order of a Judicial Magistrate or a Metropolitan Magistrate with payment of Rs.500/- as late fee.
People can gather more information about the process through the several links below. For applicants who are not looking to get through the Tamil Nadu birth certificate registration process online, can download the forms through the website and submit them in person at the office.